Media Over Matter is a three-part podcast series that was designed to bring to light important justice issues and discuss the ways that these issues are depicted by the media and then presented to the public. Four classmates and myself were solely responsible for aspects of production: writing, production, post-production, social media, and web design.

Episode 1 - Recent hate crimes, xenophobia, and racism against Asian-Americans, a discussion of the causation and translation of these issues in a post-Covid society, and special guest Vy Nyguen.

Episode 2 - An update of anti-Asian discrimination current events, a comparison between the Black Lives Matter movement and the recent increase of anti-Asian discrimination movement, and the role the media plays in distributing information to the public.

Episode 3 - Most recent police brutality killings, the Derek Chauvin verdict, and the lack of media coverage of missing/murdered Indigenous women.

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